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- Module 4 Overview
Evaluation and Preparation for Hepatitis C Treatment - 0%Lesson 1
Goals and Benefits with HCV TreatmentEvaluation and Preparation for Hepatitis C Treatment Overview4th Edition
Module Core Competency
Provide Evidence-Based Evaluation and Preparation for Treatment of Persons with Hepatitis C Infection
Target Audience
For clinicians evaluating persons with chronic HCV infection for hepatitis C treatment, including clinicians who will independently assess treatment candidacy and clinicians who will provide treatment candidacy with assistance from a hepatitis C expert.Editors
John D. Scott, MD,John D. Scott, MD
Assistant Director Hepatitis and Liver Clinic
Harborview Medical Center
Professor of Medicine
Division of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
University of WashingtonDisclosures: Consulting: Gilead SciencesDavid H. Spach, MDDavid H. Spach, MD
Professor of Medicine
Division of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
University of WashingtonDisclosures: NoneFree CNE/CME
Module Lessons
1Lesson 1 Goals and Benefits with HCV Treatment
- Learning Objectives
- Cite the goals and rationale for HCV therapy in persons with chronic HCV
- Discuss durability of sustained virologic response when achieved with direct-acting antiviral therapy
- List several long-term benefits of HCV treatment on clinical outcomes in persons with chronic HCV
- Describe the impact of HCV treatment on survival
- Summarize the population-level benefit of HCV treatment
- Quick ReferenceGoals and Benefits with HCV Treatment Core Concepts
2Lesson 2 Making a Decision on When to Initiate HCV Therapy
- Learning Objectives
- Summarize current recommendations for HCV treatment indications in persons with chronic HCV
- List absolute contraindications for HCV treatment with direct-acting antiviral therapy
- Discuss relative contraindications for HCV treatment with direct-acting antiviral therapy
- Describe key patient readiness factors to assess prior to initiating treatment
- Outline general monitoring recommendations when HCV treatment is deferred
- Quick ReferenceMaking a Decision on When to Initiate HCV Therapy Core Concepts
3Lesson 3 Addressing Barriers to HCV Treatment
- Learning Objectives
- State the key steps in HCV care continuum
- List major barriers to hepatitis C testing
- Describe approaches for improving linkage to hepatitis C care services
- Explain potential insurance and Medicaid restrictions that can limit access to HCV treatment
- Discuss strategies for expanding hepatitis C medical provider capacity
- Quick ReferenceAddressing Barriers to HCV Treatment Core Concepts
- Background
- The Path to HCV Cure: HCV Care Continuum
- HCV Testing: Access, Efficiency, and Reimbursement
- Improving Services for Linkage-to-Care
- Expanding Medical Provider Capacity
- Expanding Settings for HCV Clinical Care and Treatment
- Insurance and Medicaid Restrictions to HCV Treatment Access
- Summary Points
- Learning Objectives
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